Oh, what a feeling!! I’m dancing on the ceiling! Not quite. How is everyone feeling? It feels like we’ve been in this deep freeze for months! Surviving that and January feels like an impossible task. I’m someone who is susceptible to the winter blues. It usually hits around this time of the year.
I’ve often wondered why some of us have the moon cycles, changes in weather, or time of year affect our moods while others just float through life without any inclination. When it comes to seasonal anxiety disorder, we know that sunshine is crucial for maintaining normal serotonin levels. But why are some of us more prone to mood changes than others?
It is long believed that moon cycle can affect ones mood. I’ve experienced this firsthand. My sleep is affected, and I usually experience the “blues” during this time. Working in the school system for over 20 years, I’ve also witnessed how the days leading up to the full moon affects the kids. Oh, it’s a lot of fun during this time, just ask any teacher! There’s also evidence that supports that emergency room visits are much higher on the eve of a full moon.
For me, as one of the lucky ones who suffers, I’ve just learned to accept that this is a part of who I am. If I feel myself in a funk, then I check and see where the moon is at, and it usually makes sense. If it’s January, hellishly cold and I’m feeling down, well then I ride the wave knowing this too shall pass. I had to stop judging and criticizing myself for being overly sensitive to… well, mostly everything. I’ve now accepted that this is who I am and have found that once you can find acceptance of yourself it can be quite healing! And honestly, in most situations, sensitivity is my superpower!
The other thing that has really helped me is being mindful of my thoughts. I do little check-ins throughout the day. If I start feeling stressed, worried, overwhelmed or down, I pay attention to what it is I was just thinking about. Then I take a few deep breaths and follow up with an affirmation. Seriously - and I can not stress this enough - the power of our thoughts impact our behavior. For example, if we wake up thinking we’re going to have a bad day because it’s a full moon… then the chances are you’re going to have a bad day. Our thoughts impact our actions.
If you’re feeling down in the dumps and you’ve been there awhile, just remember negative self-talk will dig you a deeper hole. We must work on maintaining a positive mindset and keeping our thoughts optimistic and upbeat. Be conscious of your thoughts and where they are headed. I read this quote once and it’s stuck with me. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
As I’m finishing up my blog this week, the sun is rising and it’s a magical sight. The way the pink and orange are dancing through the sky, it’s as if they’re daring me to join them! The deep freeze has finally lifted, and might even dare I say, so has my mood!
Until next time…stay positive!