This is the most common statement I hear from my clients. Followed by, “I don’t have time, it doesn’t work for me, my mind is too busy.” When adults enter a class and tell me this, I instantly know that they’re the ones that would benefit from meditation the most!
Meditation is both art and science. It links us with the divine mind while healing the mind and body. It’s a journey of self-discovery that restores us on so many levels.
Our society suffers from a variety of health issues. Adrenal burnout is an epidemic. It doesn’t matter where you are; you’ll always hear someone talking about a lack of sleep, how tired they are, worries, stress - these are all valid complaints. We all live busy, stressful lives. Because of this, self-care is imperative! We must find tools that will help decrease the stress in our lives. Meditation is just one of those tools.
One of the most common issues people face is that they can’t slow down their minds or quiet their thoughts. I commonly hear, “the mind chatter doesn’t stop.” When you meditate, you should never be concerned with clearing your mind. The thoughts will come and go; this is perfectly normal. You just want to avoid becoming attached to those thoughts. When your mind drifts to thoughts, emotions, or noises in the environment, gently bring it back to your breath or mantra. Meditation is not about forcing your mind to be quiet; instead, it’s a process to rediscover the quietness that already exists.
Another tip for when you first begin to meditate is to let go of expectation! Every meditation experience will be different. There is no such thing as a bad meditation. Even if your meditation is filled with mind chatter, you’ll still benefit from it.
Meditation requires discipline, but it will produce immense benefits in your daily life as you incorporate it. Continue to make it a part of your daily routine, and you will notice the benefits. These include improved health and decreased stress levels; you’ll become more relaxed, perceptive, and creative.
If you’re interested in group meditation classes, would like to do a session for your employees, or have me come out a speak at one of your functions, please feel free to email at
Until next time…find stillness