There are a variety of different wellness tools available these days. I think it’s important that we carry a backpack full of wellness tools with us wherever we go, metaphorically speaking. Some of these should include mindfulness, gratitude, affirmations, meditation, deep breaths, and a journal. With these tools in our metaphorical backpack, we can access them whenever they are needed throughout our day. And typically, with the struggles of everyday life, they are needed!
Today I want to focus on the benefits of journaling! I have been journaling on and off for most of my adult life. I only wish this tool had been introduced to me as a child. When I miss a few days, it not only affects my mental and emotional well-being, but also the kind of day I have!
There are so many benefits that come from journaling, especially if you do it first thing in the morning. It’s very important that you do your pages long hand and not on an electronic device. It’s kind of fun to go to the store and pick out a specific journal that appeals to you. You can then use that specifically as your morning journal.
I like to do 2-3 pages, stream of consciousness. It can be about anything and everything – from petty to profound. They should be intimate, private, and personal. Write down exactly how you feel and why. I like to think of my journal as a therapist. Just the act of getting our thoughts, emotions, and feelings onto the page can be very healing and therapeutic!
Journaling can be a form of meditation because it puts us in touch with our own wisdom - our higher self. The difference is, often the words we write can move us to action. The words on the page let us know what our soul is craving, what our deepest desires are, and what we’ve been dreaming about that we may be unaware of. The words we write can let us become aware of what’s missing from our life that may bring us joy and happiness!
Another benefit I’ve experienced from journaling is the lesson of unconditional self-love without judgement. I think this is because when we accept each thought that comes to us and write it down – through this process, we learn self-acceptance.
One of the reasons it’s great to do your pages first thing in the morning is because it allows you to dump your worries, fears, and “to-do lists” onto the page. This gives you a chance to let them go, move on with your day, and live more presently. It’s as though once those thoughts are on the page, they’re no longer an issue. The day tends to run a lot more smoothly. If issues do come up, you’re able to stay centered and not overreact.
If you are a creative, or a writer, you’ll be surprised at the ideas and insights that tend to show up. I find that once our mind is clear, there is more room for clarity, inspiration, and creativity.
Introducing kids to journaling is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. With younger children, drawing pictures of how they’re feeling or what’s troubling them is just as beneficial as words. The whole point is to give them an emotional outlet which helps them to understand why they are feeling a certain way. It helps them to let go of things that no longer serve them just by writing them down.
Journaling is a great tool for teens as they are trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in this world. Getting their thoughts onto the page can be a great identifier in figuring out who they are! And most definitely serves as a great outlet for all those motions and feelings that may be new to them!
Lastly, if you are having trouble finding things to write about then start with gratitude and affirmations. Daily gratitude instantly changes your mood. You can’t be angry and grateful at the same time – it’s impossible! Gratitude is a positive emotion and definitely contributes towards greater wellness!
Until next time…journal!