What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a statement that encourages us to believe certain things about ourselves - they can be positive or negative. They’re designed to change negative self-talk. I believe affirmations are crucial in developing self-love in children. What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.
Affirmations are a tool that we can use to stop negative thoughts and shift our focus onto our positive attributes. I’ve witnessed first-hand how regularly using affirmations can help children’s self-esteem soar.
When we think good thoughts, we feel good. When we feel good, we make good choices. An unhappy mind translates to an unhappy body. Our body reacts to every thought we have, and this can trigger physical reactions. One way we can teach children to change their relationship with their thoughts is through affirmations.
Affirmations are good for kids because it helps them to develop a positive foundation to grow. It also encourages them to start thinking more positively as they become aware of the negative thoughts they tell themselves on a regular basis.
Here are some tips when teaching affirmations to children:
· Choose affirmations that are believable for the child
· Keep affirmations positive
· Keep affirmations short and to the point
· Write in the active, present tense
· Have them repeat affirmations at least three times a day
· Allow them to come up with their own - you can make it fun by using recipe cards and have them decorate the cards however they like
Some examples of affirmations are:
· I am safe
· I believe in myself
· I learn from my mistakes
· I am responsible
· I have positive thoughts
You get the idea! A positive affirmation can be just about anything. The most powerful steps really are the small, simple ones that start with our thinking. It’s crucial we keep on practicing them over time.
I’ll expand on affirmations in my free Zoom class for children and youth on March 3rd. If you haven’t signed up and are interested in registering your child, please go to the subscribe page of my website.
Until next time...keep an eye on your thoughts!