Well, it’s official - we’re now “empty nesters!” The last bird has flown away to begin her journey into the vast unknown skies! All I can do is hope that we’ve prepared her by giving her the wings needed to deal with the hardships, heartache, success, happiness, joy, all the tools necessary to survive the unpredictable skies that she inevitably will encounter.
The most important thing I hope my children will remember is to always remain true to themselves; this is authentic bravery! As they grow, we must not shield our children from hurt, disappointment, and rejection but rather teach them how to face life exactly as it comes. When they deal with any hardships, it’s crucial that they feel the emotions and work through them. It’s our responsibility to teach them how to do just that. When they are out on their own, they will be more prepared to handle the ups and downs of everyday life. This doesn’t mean it won’t be difficult on days; it just means that they will be prepared and have the tools necessary to be resilient. I hope that they always let their internal compass and heart be their guide, even though it can sometimes be the more difficult path.
The old cliché “enjoy every moment” is an understatement! Only now do I grasp the full impact of those words. When people used to say this to me, I heard the words, but I never truly understood. Life is so very short, and our children have only a moment in time with us! I absolutely get it now!
Don’t get me wrong! I’m definitely not a sad little Mama bird! I’m so excited for them and the next chapter of their lives. I can’t wait to see what they do with their lives; where they work, the people they’ll meet, will they impact humanity? I’m eager to see how they develop as humans and watch their journey of self-discovery.
This also begins a new chapter in our lives! We are excited for this transition. One thing for sure, my house definitely stays cleaner, and my menus are no longer planned around another person. Yes, I know this sounds selfish! But alas, isn’t it my time to be selfish? Self-love and self-care just reached a whole new level for this Mama!
I believe being an “empty nester” is about renewal and rebirth! We have to rediscover who we are without the children being there every day.
What is our role now?
Who am I if I’m not being “mom” everyday?
Who am I if I’m not the mother to my husbands’ children?
Of course, I’ll always be these things; I’ll always be here to listen, provide support, and lend a shoulder to cry on. I’ll always be their mother; it was the best job of my life! But my primary role now has definitely changed! For the first time in 28 years, there are only 2 of us to consider daily.
So, I challenge all of you empty nesters out there to rediscover, explore, journey inside, and remember who you are. Use this time for self-love and self-care. Search for things that ignite you and bring you passion! Join classes you never had time for. Take time to be in nature, to walk, to remember who you authentically are. Write, paint, dance, cook, rediscover what brings you joy! If you find something that lights you up from the inside out, dive in deeper!
You never know where life may lead you! Each stage in our lives provides us with the opportunity to grow, evolve, and learn!
Until next time…enjoy whatever stage you’re in!!