I was fortunate enough this past weekend to camp in a place without cell coverage. We were totally off the grid for three glorious days! It reminded me again of the importance of “unhooking” occasionally to reconnect to our soul.
I’m very fortunate to live in a place that’s a quick half-hour drive to the majestic Rockies. Although I’ve been there many times and have given them the respect and love they deserve, this was my first time out of coverage. Let me tell you, this was a whole new serene experience.
I didn’t have my eyes glued to a screen - I could connect to the trees, mountains, and water on a much deeper level, and with this came a deep sense of peace and tranquility— a calm I hadn’t experienced for quite some time. Not even the grizzly bear that walked through our campsite got me revved up! That says a lot because I’m petrified of bears!
I also connected with my husband on a much deeper level. Because of his work he is on his phone 24/7. This was an opportunity for us to focus all our attention on each other (whether we wanted it or not); that is when my puppy wasn’t chasing birds and squirrels! Omg, he’s so adorable! My puppy, not my husband! Although my husband’s pretty adorable too! Haha
Unplugging from work and social media gives us time to focus on the good in our lives, connect with our partners, and compose our thoughts. We’re able to notice our surroundings and appreciate everything in our lives. It gives us time to be grateful, and practicing gratitude greatly impacts our mental and emotional health!
Disconnecting allows us to enjoy the very moment we’re in. We can focus on family, friends, and ourselves. Most importantly, we avoid burnout, a growing concern in our country. I just read a stat that said 55% of Canadians have suffered burnout.
I arrived home feeling energized and inspired by a new flow of creative ideas. We can’t create if we don’t fill the bucket. We must create space in our minds so that inspiration and new ideas can flow, and then we must listen and pay attention. This is why we need to unhook daily.
The beautiful lakes, watching my puppy swim, and hiking through the trees were exactly what this girl needed! It helped me reconnect with my inner child and gave me something to write about for this week’s blog. I think my well has been dry for a couple of months – shit happens. Creating art in any form requires us to find inspiration where we can. For me, this is nature!
Until next time…make time to unhook