As I write this, I’ve just returned from my morning walk. It also just so happens to be the first day of spring! To say spring is in the air is putting it mildly - at least where I live.
I’m so fortunate to live where I do. I’m a nature fairy, so living with mountain views, rivers, streams, and all the various types of trees sets my soul on fire! I hope all of you have something in your life that makes you come alive.
As a Canadian, the thought of spring makes many of us come alive! Even though we all know it’s likely we’ll get a couple more snowfalls. But alas, we’ve survived another Canadian winter!
I think nothing brings us more joy than when we can switch to ankle boots, shed a couple of layers, and be swallowed up by potholes! Ha! The temperatures without a minus sign in front is one of the greatest sights to see in the morning!
The first sign of spring I saw this weekend was the geese - yes, they’re returning! The comforting honk of these fine feathered friends making their way back to our lakes and ponds is a welcomed sound.
On our walk last weekend, we checked out Big Hill Springs Provincial Park! The sun was radiant, the water was running (truly a meditative sound), the birds were all in harmony, and there were tons of people out and about! I’d even say that everyone was a little friendlier and their energy was vibrating at a higher frequency! The sound of running water, kids laughing, and birds harmonizing represents the sound of love!
Although I have yet to see a robin or a crocus, I know they are on their way. This alone brings me something to look forward to! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, my Canadian friends.
As the earth begins to become alive again, so can we! Let’s embrace the spring energy and use it as a time to come up with new ideas. Generally, this time of year leaves us feeling inspired and excited to try new things.
We can implement change in our lives that will enable us to grow and flourish. What ideas are calling you? I think spring is about trying new things. Ask yourself, what excites you right now? What are you drawn to? What are you interested in?
Spring really does bring clarity. It’s a great time to become clear on what we want to see grow in our life. Sometimes to gain this clarity, we must try new things that are calling to us.
Let’s all connect with early spring’s playful curiosity and explore different parts of us that want to come alive. What part of your winter daydreams do you want to manifest? Spring is all about rebirth and renewal.
The time for self-reflection is over. It is now time to take action. Plant the seeds, do the work, and watch them grow!
Until next time…