The word on the street has been that quite a few of us are struggling with low energy. I’ve noticed this both intuitively and through discussion with others. Today is one of those low energy days for me. I think some of the factors contributing to this is the time of year, snow, cooler temperatures, prices rising, as well as the current affairs happening in the world. Between school shootings and countries that are currently experiencing conflict, it’s difficult to remain positive and upbeat.
When I’m experiencing a low vibration I sit with it, meditate on it, and try and find out where it’s coming from. Sometimes I figure it out and do what I can to raise my energy, and other times I’m not quite sure what the issue is so I ride the wave with the knowledge that this too shall pass. I feel the most important thing we can do is feel these emotions and be aware of what they’re trying to tell you - this is how we heal and move on. This can be quite challenging, but it’s much healthier than burying our feelings or numbing them with a substance.
Although it’s impossible to feel vibrant all the time, there are strategies we can implement that help us to create higher vibrational energy and think positive thoughts. So, how can we raise our vibration and frequency?
First, meditation and breathwork. A little 5-minute meditation in the morning is the best way to start your day on a positive note. It raises your vibration, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation. With continued practice you’ll notice longer-lasting, happy energy and you’ll start to see the world in a more positive light.
Connecting with nature is a sure-fire way to raise our vibration. Nature provides us with so many opportunities in which we can improve our mood, ground ourselves, and release tension. The outdoor activities that we can partake in our endless. Get out there and walk, run, swim, bike, do yoga, or sit under a tree reading a good book if you’re needing an energy boost!
Cultivate high-vibe relationships. It’s very important that we surround ourselves with people who lift us up rather than drag us down. It may be time to “clean house” and eliminate any toxic relationships. Don’t ignore your own needs to give more to others. Saying no to others and doing what you want can increase your mood greatly.
Music and dancing are a couple of my favourite ways to raise my vibration. Throw on some of your favourite tunes and dance it out in the living room! When we do this, we can express emotions and it’s a wonderful distraction from our negative thoughts.
Yoga is a wonderful activity to shift our energy. We’re able to clear out stagnant energy and clear our chakras. The more we move, the more our energy vibrates. If you’re feeling low, try a flowing class like vinyasa. If you can’t make it to a class, try a child’s pose posture. This really helps to raise my mood when I’m exhausted.
If you can find Sound Bath sessions in your area that utilize gongs and sound bowls, I encourage you to go try it out. These sounds are shown to facilitate a shift in our brainwave that makes us feel more relaxed and open. When you’re there, you may meet a new friend who vibrates on your frequency level. These types of activities usually attract high vibrational people in my experience.
Crystals are quite helpful for boosting our positive energy and vibrations. They have been used for thousands of years. Place them around your home or carry them in your pockets or bag. Look for healing stones that represent love and connection, such as rose quartz or amethyst.
Engage in acts that raise our vibration, such as practicing gratitude, showing kindness to others, and showing compassion. Just think how good you feel when you help another. It instantly puts us in a high vibrational state! Each night before you fall asleep make a mental note of things you are grateful for. It means you end the day on a positive note remembering all that you have rather than what you don’t have.
Finally, although these are safe, effective ways to raise your vibration it’s important to be mindful of when your low mood or energy isn’t lifting. Seek out professional support if this feeling persists.
Until next time…shake that booty!