My blog this week is short and sweet, since we're leaving for summer holidays on Thursday! Yahooooo! As some of you know, leaving for a 19-day camping trip requires a lot of preparation, packing, and planning! I really wish I was the kind of girl who flew by the seat of her pants and was spontaneous, but no such luck.
When we’re on holiday, it’s important to me that we go somewhere we’ve never been before. I believe there’s so much beauty in the world, and I want to see as much of it as possible. So, this year we are headed to the unknown! I won’t bore you with the details, but I promise to post pictures on my social media.
When our kids were younger, I looked forward to our annual camping trips all year. It provided endless opportunities to connect, spend time together, and figure out what was happening in our children’s little hearts. Nature has a way of exposing our vulnerabilities, opening doors for communication, and giving us a floodgate to open our hearts so we can better express our emotions and feelings; this all leads to connection. No words can describe the joy, adventures, and happy times we shared while camping as a family! Yes, I miss these times dearly, if you can’t tell.
I’m very excited to have a break from work! Even when you're passionate about what you do, it’s essential to “unhook.” Especially when you have to be on social media daily. Having a “time out” from all electronic devices is so important. It allows you to gain inspiration, reconnect to your creativity and inner child, and open up the artistic portal. It’s easy to lose ourselves when we’re focused on our jobs, caring for others, and spiralling down the social media rabbit hole. Yes, you know who you are - we all do it!
I hope you all have time this summer for self-care - that you can spend some time in nature and “unhook.” Life is precious, and I’m so grateful for every minute I’m here! Let’s enjoy it as much as we can.
So, as my step-dad always says, “goodbye please!” I will be offline for a few weeks, except for sharing some of our trip's highlights. To all of you reading this, be present this summer with your children as much as possible. Being outside in nature is a great way to experience this. As I always say, “The best way to parent is being present!”
Until next time…happy summer!