Working with the Angels has been a constant in my life for the past 20 years. I’m sure when I was a child, they were also a part of my life. But as we grow up, we typically become deprogrammed and desensitized to the spiritual world, unless it’s a part of your family’s core values and beliefs!
Almost all major religions in the world believe in Angels. I think they’re a reality for many people – for both the religious and spiritual. I believe they are messengers of God - when I say God I mean a universal energy, an energy of love that moves through all of us.
Angels work under the law of “free will.” This means that unless you invite them into your life; they can’t help you. Once you invite them in, they will guide, protect, and help you find inner peace. Their only purpose is to help and love you.
I work with the Angels daily. I pray to them with every decision I make both big and small. When I’m teaching kids or doing workshops/conferences with adults I always call on them to be by my side and spread their loving, peaceful energy to everyone who’s in attendance. I ask them to surround us all with their loving light and to help me find the right words that will help the greatest amount of people. I invite them with me when I’m driving and ask them to protect me as I get to my destination. They are my constant companion in this life!
I’m a spiritual person, not religious. I support and accept everyone’s beliefs and choices when it comes to this area. When I say spiritual, for me spirituality means “knowing thyself.” The Angels help me with this. They help me to make choices out of love rather than fear. They help me to recognize the things in myself I need to work on to grow and evolve.
I have to admit I love working with the Angels through Angel cards. They are so much fun! I can pull my deck out and ask a question and see what they say. Whether you believe in their message or not, it’s just a lot of fun playing with the cards! The cards can help you with day-to-day questions and help you determine which path to take. They’ll also let you know if there are some aspects of your personality that are not so positive and need to be addressed.
I am a certified Angel card reader. I do readings for family and friends when they ask. I’m always amazed at how accurate they are. They always have our best interests at heart and if we listen, will guide us to make the best life choices.
I wanted to write about this today because, for me, I can’t imagine not having their loving energy, guidance, and love in my life. The Angels are here for all of us and want to help us in any way they can. The only thing you have to do is ask. If you’ve never worked with the Angels, I encourage you to give it a try. You never know what miracles may appear. And really, what do you have to lose?