June 7, 2021
“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” – Robert Schuller
Oh man, I have so many different answers to this question! I suppose it also depends on where you are on your journey. If I were asked this question when I was in my early 20’s, it would have differed from what my answer would be today.
At one time, I desperately wanted to be in a rock band! I’m talking a real badass, like Joan Jett! Yes, I’m aging myself. That was until I figured out I’m tone deaf! Seriously, I couldn’t carry a tune to save my life! So, that dream was shattered. I still sing constantly - for this, I apologize! There was also a period of time when I wanted to be a fairy Godmother. I’d wave my wand and take everyone’s sadness away, allowing them to experience happiness and joy and, of course, grant them one wish! If I’m honest, I still would like to be a fairy godmother and have magical powers!
I also dreamed about being a writer! If you know me and have ever listened to me speak, you may question this dream – LOL! I constantly mix my words up and mispronounce things! Apparently, I write better than I speak. I pushed through that fear, and I am now enjoying my life immensely as a writer!
The one thing that remained constant throughout my whole life was being a mother. As far back as I can remember, I dreamed of the children I would have. I never once thought I would fail - this has been the greatest accomplishment in my life!
Fear - the most basic human emotion. It can be a good thing as it’s there to protect us, but it’s also responsible for preventing us from trying new things or following our passion. I realize there are other extenuating circumstances that prevent this, such as the responsibilities of life. But I believe the fear of failure is what holds most of us back.
First, let’s break down the word fear. What if fear instead looked like this?
F – Freedom
E – enjoyment
A - adventure
R – respect
I believe if we saw fear as the catapult to providing these four experiences, we may be more willing to take the chance. Let’s not even consider failure. Instead, let’s think of all the things that could go right! Focus on all the ways your life could change if you push through that fear! Who wouldn’t want to live a life filled with freedom, enjoyment, adventure, and respect? I greatly admire people who take a chance to live their passion and push through the fear!
When we’re doing what we’re passionate about, the universe always supports us! The universe responds to energy; when we enjoy and are passionate about what we’re doing, we emit a higher vibration - this is when the universe provides us with help along the way!
I encourage all of you not to let fear stop you from following your dreams! Push through the fear, and you’ll see that you always come out the other side! Even if it doesn’t turn out to be what you expected, there are always lessons to be learned. And, life is about the lessons and our evolution as humans. This is the way to live without regrets.
Until next time…don’t be afraid to try new things!